Saturday, August 02, 2008

Life is full of questions; so this article was written with the intention of solving the question on gourmet tea bags. Sure do hope that your questions have been answered.

The Best gourmet tea bags Articles on Wine

Use One Cup Coffee Makers To Make Decaf

When you heard the word ?coffee? do you automatically get a pain in your chest? If you don?t then you are one of the lucky ones, but for millions of coffee drinkers this is not the case. Many people can?t drink their favorite brew without fear of heartburn.

Since coffee is popular all the world over its hard for those who suffer from heartburn to be left out of enjoying this delicious beverage. The flavor and aroma are so inviting that some of us risk heart burn to enjoy a beverage hot from their home or office?s one cup coffee makers.

Why does coffee give us heartburn? Heartburn is caused by stomach acids leaking into the esophagus where they are not supposed to be! When the esophagus lining comes into contact by these stomach acids then the lining get irritates and this acid causes heartburn.

Caffeine is a main reason behind heartburn. Your body will produce more acid when you are drinking something caffeinated and this extra acid from your stomach will go into the lower esophageal sphincter. Coffee has loads of caffeine and makes heartburn even worse.

A new technology called, Hevla technology, may hold some relief for all of those who suffer from caffeine induced heartburn.

The Hevla process steams coffee beans at a high pressure and this removes caffeine without getting rid of the great taste and aroma. This can help people to enjoy coffee without the caffeine and without the heartburn.

Using the Hevla technique to remove the caffeine in coffee you still get the highest quality coffee and best flavor. In the world of science and health this is a great feat. Now we can enjoy coffee and be heartburn free.

Once this new Hevla coffee hits a supermarket near you than people will be able to resume their coffee habits without ever worrying about heartburn again. You will still get that great taste from your machine without the pain! You won?t have to worry that you are sacrificing great taste for decaf. You?ll know you are getting premium coffee that is safe for you to drink.

Peter J. Wilson writes articles at large for, a website on the topic of coffee, coffee making and other themes. With his detailed publications on one cup coffee makers and coffee making the reviewer affirmed his skill on the topic.

Recommended gourmet tea bags Items

Boca Mocha Java - 8 oz.

Coffee with a relaxing richness. Experience the serenity of Boca Raton with this classic natural mocha java estate blend.

Price: 6.95

Boca Mocha Java (DECAF) - 8 oz.

Coffee with a relaxing richness. Experience the serenity of Boca Raton with this classic natural mocha java estate blend.

Price: 7.45

Apple Gourmet in the U.S.A. - 8 oz.

Celebrate your patriotism with old fashioned apple pie and gourmet coffee all in the same cup! This exciting coffee tastes and smells like old-fashioned apple pie with a hint of cinnamon.

Price: 6.95

Apple Gourmet in the U.S.A. (DECAF) - 8 oz.

Celebrate your patriotism with old fashioned apple pie and gourmet decaf coffee all in the same cup! This exciting coffee tastes and smells like old-fashioned apple pie with a hint of cinnamon.

Price: 7.45

Headlines on gourmet tea bags

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. F3Q08 (Qtr End 06/28/08 ... - Seeking Alpha

Thu, 31 Jul 2008 19:01:12 GMT

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. F3Q08 (Qtr End 06/28/08 ...
Seeking Alpha, NY - Jul 31, 2008
Keurig enthusiasts rave about everything from its simplicity and ease of use to the wide selection of high quality gourmet coffee, tea and hot cocoas. ...

Voodoo that you do so well - Food Processing

Thu, 31 Jul 2008 20:38:04 GMT

Voodoo that you do so well
Food Processing, IL - Jul 31, 2008
The flavors also can be used to enhance fruit drinks and flavored tea. We didn’t believe our mothers when they told us that beauty was skin deep, ...

Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® Donates for the Troops - PR Web (press release)

Fri, 25 Jul 2008 07:15:17 GMT

PR Web (press release)

Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® Donates for the Troops
PR Web (press release), WA - Jul 25, 2008
... Angels to provide gourmet coffee and tea to America's deployed service members. Customers can write messages of support for the troops on the bag. ...

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